To Serve and Protect

March 31, 2011 at 10:08 pm (Devotions, personal)

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” -1 Corinthians 16:13-14

My friend

One of my close friends is a cop.  I have gone on a couple ride alongs with him and seen him in action.  It is amazing to see through his eyes and what his eyes are drawn to.  They are not drawn to the obvious but to the shadows to the corners where bad things can be happening.

He is constantly on guard, even when off duty.  When he is on the scene of a crime he stand firm in what he believes and doesn’t allow anyone to back him off of that position.  He has courage to go into a scene even when others are running away.

When I think about this verse I think about him and his role as a cop. However, the unusual part of these verses is that strong, machismo verse is paired directly before verse 14 which is all about doing everything in love.  A strong and mighty warrior with a tender heart, what a great combination!

In the same way, I need to live today on guard, firm in my faith, have courage, and be strong.  However, I need to have a tender heart and do everything out of love.

God, may I have the eyes to see those hurting, may I never sway toward other gods and my own personal desires, but ma

y I also have a heart that is not calloused by the hurts of this world, but have a tender, malleable heart for you! Amen!

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Winning the Game…Twice

March 30, 2011 at 8:16 pm (Uncategorized)

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

This week I was coaching a JV baseball game at the local high school. In the bottom of the last inning we were down 2-1. We had 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd base. The batter launched a double into the left-center gap, driving in one run and the man on first rounded third and sprinted from home. The throw from the outfielder hit the cut off man and the throw was inline with home plate, but was high. The ball reached home before the runner was there, but bounced off the catchers glove and went to the backstop. Our runner was so excited that he was going to win the game that he took his eyes off of home and completely missed it as he ran across. seconds later he was tagged and was called out by the umpire. So, we tied the game, and went to extra innings. The amazing thing about our relationship with Christ is that he has done the winning already. He has conquered the grave, he has hit home plate. There is no missing there. By our relationship with Christ we can have the same victory. No need for a last inning comeback, we receive the victory at the moment we follow Christ.

Today, am I living in the victory? As I coach I am always nervous about making a comeback or losing a lead that we have. However, on this side of heaven I have nothing to be nervous about when I come up to the plate. The game is won already. I just need to do my best for Him and He will use it for His glory. By the way, we ended up winning the next inning with the same exact scenario as the previous inning!

God, may you use me today as a player in this game called Life that you have already conquered and won. May I go to bat each and everyday with that confidence and do my best with each opportunity that you give me. Amen.

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Speak up!

March 30, 2011 at 3:25 am (Uncategorized)

“What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.” ! Corinthians 14:26

Spiritual gifts are used for building up. But at the same time each of these gifts has to do with using words to use the gift. The church is meant to be a place where, no matter what, the body is built up and edified.

How are my words, whether it is a testimony or lesson, being used to encourage the body of believers? I need to watch my tongue and make sure that people are encouraged. They can be challenged, but disrespect and tearing down is not the right motivation.

God, may every word that comes from my lips bring glory to you! May they build up other believers and strengthen the Church. Amen.

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Gardening for Jesus

March 22, 2011 at 6:31 pm (Uncategorized)

Scripture: “But the Israelites did not drive out the people of Geshur and Maacah, so they continue to live among the Israelites to this day.” Joshua 13:13
Observation: The Israelites take out the people living in the land, but didn’t completely wipe them out like the Lord had told them to do. The people continued to live amongst the Israelites. They drank from the same watering holes, lived in the same towns, and intermarried with the people. God did not want this, but the people of God did not carry out His orders fully.
Application: I helped my friend, Jeremy Koenig, remove some bushes from his yard. The roots had grown strong and deep. They intertwined with each other and had become very strong. He actually broke four different shovels trying to get these roots out of the ground. In the same way, God desires for us to root out all of the sin in our lives, but so often we compartmentalize our sin and let some of it linger. We hide it and put it away, but it remains with us. God desires for all of it to be gone, but we keep just a little back and it remains with us to this day. Eat continues to pop up from time to time, just like a weed that is not taken out at the root. I must look at the roots of the sin in my life and do some serious gardening.
Prayer: God, may you open my eyes to the roots of sin in my life and may I be a vigilant gardener for you. Amen!

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1 Corinthians 6:19-20

March 22, 2011 at 5:19 am (Uncategorized)

Scripture: “Do you not know that your body is a templeof the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”
Observation: my body is a temple for God. How clean and how nice is God’s home? I am working out to make His temple nicer and to refine it. In the same way, I was bought at a price. Jesus’ life paid for mine. I must honor God with my body. By what I put in it and what I do with my body I must honor Him.

Application: I want to make Hos temple look good. I need to be more disciplined in my workouts or “holy spirit home repairs” in order to give God honor. Also, everything I do with my body must give Him glory and honor.

Prayer: God, give me discipline and focus and endurance as I continue to do your home renovations. Help me to remember to honor you in all my workouts. Amen!

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Galatians 6:9

March 15, 2011 at 11:28 pm (Uncategorized)

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

In March I went on a hike on a trail that I had gone mountain biking on in July. This hike was an uphill hike to a flat spot where some guys met to pray. I actually jogged some of this hike and remembered back to July and the agonizing bike trip that I took. I remember how tired I was on that bike ride and how easy this hike was this time. In total it was a 4 mile hike, but I remember in July I could not imagine it being less than 20 miles!
I think about the pursuit of Christ and the labor it can be to live out the calling that is within. It can be so easy to tun from him and do what I want to do or follow “other gods.” I must keep up the good fight. I must not give up and press on through the sweat and tears and fight through my walls of discouragement.

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